Zhiting (May) Mei

IRoM Lab | zm2074@princeton.edu


Department of MAE

Princeton University

Hi! I’m a second-year PhD Student at IRoM Lab in Princeton.

My research aims to approach robotics through a fundamental science’s perspective. My work applies concepts and theories in information theory to quantify performance of robotic systems with arbitrary dynamics, tasks, and control strategies, given their sensing capabilities and computational constraints. I am also interested in applying these theories in the design and implementation of robotics.

Aside from research, my interests range from painting, making art videos, playing the piano (and guitar), to figure skating, dancing, and karate.

selected publications

  1. PwC.png
    Perceive With Confidence: Statistical Safety Assurances for Navigation with Learning-Based Perception
    Anushri Dixit, Zhiting Mei, Meghan Booker, and 3 more authors
    Mar 2024
    arXiv:2403.08185 [cs, eess]
  2. lava_results_f.png
    Fundamental Limits for Sensor-Based Robot Control
    Anirudha Majumdar, Zhiting Mei, and Vincent Pacelli
    The International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), Aug 2023
  3. 3x3wiring.png
    Control and Optimization of Lattice Converters
    Zhiting Mei, Jingyang Fang, and Stefan Goetz
    Electronics, Jan 2022